Tuesday 2 May 2017

Moksha - the liberation 
Moksha (Sanskrit for liberation) or mukti (Sanskrit for release) is liberation from 'samsara', the cycle of death and rebirth or reincarnation and all the suffering and limitation of worldly existence. It is a state of absolute freedom, peace and bliss attained through self-realisation.This is the supreme goal of human endeavour. It is seen as a transcendence of phenomenal being, a state of higher consciousness, in which matter, energy, time, space, karma (causation) and the other features of empirical reality are understood as 'maya' or an illusion that anchors one to the materialistic.

In this work the tree represents this self realisation and is seemingly aglow with the bliss of liberation from our limitations of worldly existence. The tree itself rises from the darker shades of 'Maya' even as the monk endeavours to achieve this supreme goal through the practice of 'Dhyana'.
Mixed media on canvas (36 X 48)

Series: Miscellaneous works

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