Tuesday 2 May 2017

Dhyana I ( Tiger and the meditating monk) 
In this work the tiger represents the mind in all its power and untamed ferocity with the random unformed script-like forms representing scattered thoughts. Through the power of meditation the monk seemingly brings this "chanchal" mind under control. The contrast of the tigers ferocity highlights the calmness of the monk- just as it takes some hardships for us to appreciate the good that lies within. The retention of calmness in a tumultuous environment is achieved through Dhyana, the practice of mind control by which we stop all thinking  and seek to realise Truth in its essence. The dot in the work depicts this focusing of the mind. Of the many different paths to Nirvana, the most important one  is the path of Dhyana, the practice of “stopping and realising.”

Mixed media on canvas 40" X 30"   

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