Tuesday 2 May 2017

Dhyana II ( Bodhi tree and the four boy monks) 
Selected for the AIFACS 86th All India Annual Exhibition/ December 2013

In this work the novice boy monks are revealed the concept of "Nirvana" as depicted by the tree in its purest form of monochromatic representation. The novice monks are in awe of this magnificent vision. They see the path that links them to their final goal through Dhyana, represented by the simple red dot. The sanctity and purity of this thought lies in the vast whiteness of the canvas. As one pauses to absorb the work, the artist endeavours to instil The retention of calmness in the midst of a  tumultuous environment that the viewer may find himself in. It is  through Dhyana, the practice of mind control by which we stop all thinking and seek to realize Truth in its essence. Of the many different paths to Nirvana, the most important one  is the path of Dhyana, the practice of “stopping and realizing.”
Mixed media on canvas 48" X 36"   
Acquired via Gallerie Nvya  
Selected for AIFACS 86th All India Annual Exhibition, Delhi

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