Friday 10 June 2016

In her own shadow II

The work is reflective of the artists belief that in order to gain respect it is imperative to assert oneself. This is taken into perspective within the issue of women’s situation in the various social structures.

The work is a call to women and in a broader sense to all who seem discriminated against, basis gender, socially, psychologically, physically. We often let ourselves be discriminated against because we fail to recognise and assert our self esteem. How often do we take cognisance of that dark “being” that is integral to us and follows us around.... our shadow? To recognise the shadow and not allow it to consume and lead you, to come out of your own shadow and take flight, is the artist’s call to women through this work. The piercing eyes depict SHAKTI and hence the inherent power within each woman that gives her the strength to combat all odds and emerge from her own shadow.

Acrylic on canvas 36"X 36"
Status: Available

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