Wednesday 1 June 2016

Flight I
The Hummingbird is fascinating as even though it is one of the smallest it has the capabilities of travelling great distances and can fly in all directions even backwards and upside down. It can pick up speeds upto 25 km per hour and then stop suddenly on a coin. It needs to continuously feed off the nectar of flowers and hence has a strong relationship and dependency on them.

Hence the bird represents resiliency, and to the artist this translates into the ability to keep going emotionally, physically and above all spiritually. It seems to emphasise the ability to rise above troubles and hardships with ease and joy. For persons who have been through a lot in life it symbolises strength and moving way past and beyond just the threshold of overcoming trials. Hence representing an individual who loves and lives life to the fullest.

In several cultures it represents love, joy and hope. The Artist has attempted to translate this indomitable spirit on his canvas with the hope that it inspires and brings joy to all who view his work.

Acrylic on canvas 36" X 48"
Status: Unavailable 

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