Friday 17 April 2015

Divine Resonance - Dung-Dkar, the Tibetan prayer conch 

A series in progress, depicted here by the white Tibetan prayer conch called “Dung-Dkar”, one of the Ashtamangala or the eight auspicious objects as per the Buddhist doctrines. While it symbolizes great power, authority and sovereignty ,the white conch in Tibetan religious music is a sacred symbol of peace and good energy representing the spread and fame of the Buddha's teachings. Vajrayana Buddhism speaks of the conch as a symbol which fearlessly proclaims the truth of the dharma. It is heavily decorated with ornate patterns in metals such as silver and is topped with a bright bead, which is said to represent good energy.
This work attempts to capture the very essence of this unique and reverberating sound that echoes in the mountains spreading the good energy of the Buddha in all directions. Heard at  times of prayer from the otherwise silent and peaceful monasteries, the distant sound blends in with the smell of pine trees and wood smoke as the evening begins to turn cold and the dusk sky takes on gold and crimson hues gradually melting into an inky night.
Acrylic on canvas 36" X 36"
Status: Unavailable 

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