Friday 17 April 2015

Divine Resonance - The Sacred Chant
The mantra Om mani padme hum as presented in the third panel of the artwork is deep and vast in its resonance and meaning.  The six syllables, om mani padme hum, mean that with the practice of the path which is an indivisible union of method and wisdom, the impure body, speech, and mind can be transformed into the pure exalted form of the Buddha. The chant rises upwards as a tribute to the 'all seeing eyes' of the Buddha culminating in the blossoming of the lotus. The fourth panel depicts the 'abhaya' mudra - and hence fearlessness on your path to wisdom.

Acrylic on canvas (Framed Polyptych) 60" X 26"
Status: Acquired 

1 comment:

  1. Minimalistic and powerfully focussed. This must be a stunner with its size!
