Saturday 11 June 2022

The Walled City I
Walled cities are fascinating. around the world the fortifications are formidable and within lie the wonders of art and commerce, of administration and justice .
The walls protect all the beauty that is within from marauders ,and hence need to be strong. much like ourselves who must develop strong walls of self control, physical and spiritual strength to safe guard all that is sacred within us from disruptive influences of negativity,intolerance,anger and greed. 

To quote from the Bible: 
A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. (Prov. 25:28) This biblical metaphor, if read and understood speaks about ourselves and our Creator. Our Spirit Is the City Wall and a broken spirit, like a broken city wall, is dangerous.

Acrylic on canvas 50" X 18"
Status: Unavailable

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