Sunday 2 February 2020

The Wedding Feast
The work is inspired by the story of the wedding at Cana.... Where Jesus performed his first miracle. The split table signifies the transition of Jesus after this first miracle. There are six jars of water which he converted to wine after being requested to save the host from the embarrassment of running short of it during the feast. Artistic license has been taken to keep the table relatively minimalist as the focus is on the turning of water to wine.
The artist  selected this theme as to him this miracle , though it may not seem as dramatic as making the blind see , the lame walk etc is a universal lesson that one doesn't necessarily need to do anything major to make a difference as even a comparatively simple gesture like saving the host from embarrassment is as important.

Acrylic on canvas 36 X 48
Status: Acquired
Series: Miscellaneous works

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