Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Sacred Union
The work celebrates the philosophy that the whole universe is perceived as being created, and sustained by two fundamental forces, which are permanently in a perfect, indestructible union. These forces are Shiva and Shakti. 

The central focus of the work is on Parvati /Shakti the consort of Lord Shiva, depicted by the inverted triangle and the tree of life within.
The creative energy of the universe resides in this Mother Goddess and she also symbolizes fertility..She is the recreative energy and power of Shiva, and she is the cause of a bond that connects all beings and a means of their spiritual release. She has many attributes and aspects. Each of her aspects is expressed with a different name, giving her over 100 names

The names of Goddess Parvati reflect feminine attributes like beauty, grace and gentleness ,love and devotion as well as of divine strength and power. Parvati is also worshipped as the goddess of harvest and protector of women. As Shakti she is considered to be the cosmos itself – she is the embodiment of energy and dynamism, and the motivating force behind all action and existence in the material universe.

Shiva is her transcendent masculine aspect, providing the divine ground of all being. “There is no Shiva without Shakti, or Shakti without Shiva. The two in themselves are One”.

As the hymn dedicated to the Goddess Parvati by Shiva goes  “I am the sea and you the wave,. You are Prakṛti, and I Purusha.”
Mixed Media on canvas (60 X 18)
Unavailable / Series: Miscellaneous works

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