Thursday 24 March 2016

Arth Dwar, the Gateway to Abundance
In Hinduism the "purusharthas" or the objectives of individuals  were articulated as Dharma: Righteousness and Duty, Artha: Wealth, Kama: Desire and Moksha: Liberation.

The artist is fascinated by the revelation that the ancient seers propagated that the spiritual seeker did not need to be in a state of poverty. They reasoned that if one is in a constant state of worry and one's focus is on the basics like food and shelter, then how could one pursue spirituality? In fact just as nature is abundant in every aspect, abundance is the quality of the Divine. However, one must not get attached  to the possession or attainment of wealth and hence get distracted from Dharma, and ultimately Moksha. It is this attainment of wealth with detachment to it that is a superior level of high thinking.

This fascinating thought has translated in the creation of this polyptych work called Arth Dwar, the Gateway to Abundance.
Acrylic on canvas (polyptych 55" X 36")
Status: Available via Gallery Artistique

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