Ramayana, The Lesser Heroes - Vanar
Critical to the main story, but rarely spoken of, and never in the same hushed whispers of awed reverence as the protagonists, the series attempts to highlight the lesser heroes of a magnificent epic, without whom the epic itself would have paled in its essence.
Presenting, a representation of the Monkey Army (Vanar Sena) that was key in the victory of good over evil. The artist has coloured the 'vanar' in the representative Saffron in order to establish the relationship of this army with the Monkey God who was also known as Kesari Nandan or the son of Kesari (saffron)
The Epic has international reach and popularity - from the coasts of India to the shores of the Indonesian Islands (not just Hindu Bali). Hence characters have forms that are not necessarily ‘Indian’ in their appearance.
Acrylic on canvas 36”X36” / 2012
Status: Acquired by Gallery Archana, Kualalumpur, Malaysia