Friday 21 November 2014

Ramayana, The Lesser Heroes - Vanya, The Forest
Critical to the main story, but rarely spoken of, and never in the same hushed whispers of awed reverence as the protagonists, the series  attempts to highlight the lesser heroes of a magnificent epic, without whom the epic itself would have paled in its essence.
Presenting, a representation of the forest and trees that were the shelter and home to the protoganists for 14 years. Again it was under the tree that  Sita and Hanuman secretly met while Sita was in captivity. The importance of flora in the Epic reaches a climactic point when the only medicine to save the fatally  wounded Lakshman is a special herb, Sanjivini.

The Epic has international reach and popularity - from the coasts of India to the shores of the Indonesian Islands (not just Hindu Bali). Hence characters have forms that are not necessarily ‘Indian’ in their appearance.

Acrylic on canvas 36”X36” / 2012
Status: Acquired by Gallery Archana, Kualalumpur, Malaysia

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