Sunday 24 December 2017

Tabernacle of the Soul I 
During the Exodus, the tabernacle was a portable worship facility with the outer court, the holy place and the holiest of holies. The Apostle Paul referred to man as the temple of God - hence the outer court being the body or flesh; the holy place is like the soul; and the holiest of holies like the spirit. The Buddhists believe, as do the Hindus that the body is the tabernacle of the soul. Across faiths it is therefore, almost ritualistic to care for the  body as one would, a place of worship, a temple or tabernacle. The work attempts to illustrate and carry this message underlining the belief that within each of us lies a soul and resides our God. Hence each one of us is worthy of respect by the other.

Acrylic on canvas / 36" X 36"

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