Sunday 6 November 2016

Across Faiths - Cardoba
Work inspired by visit to Cordoba, Spain
A magnificent example of moorish and renaissance architectures the mezquita or the cathedral of Cordoba also known as the great mosque speaks to the artist of sentiments beyond the awe inspiring structure. Started as a church of St Vincent it "changed faiths" with conquests over the ages, and at point of time was divided between two faiths! At each turn architectural additions have led to the fantastic structure that it is... but the changes and the show of power and domination, the war for a place to pray, to the artist seems to be an act in futility of epical magnificence which has been witnessed across time, geographies, and beliefs. The mezquita is one outstanding example of the powerful, building, destroying and rebuilding a structure in the name of that one omnipresent being who resides within each! Why is faith to have a structure and form, a place and a time?

Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 50" X 18"
Acquired from Art Bengaluru

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