Mythology is fascinating. This work is based on the Hindu God Krishna and his battles against his evil uncle Kansa, who unleashes demonic forces to terminate the young Krishna. In this instance Kansa finally assigns the demon Keshi who assumes the form of a huge horse. Keshi gallops at the speed of thought, wears the earth with his hooves and scatters celestial vehicles and clouds in the sky with his mane in search of Krishna. Krishna challenges Keshi to a duel, as they engage in battle, Keshi roars like a lion strikes with his hooves, opens his mouth and attacks Krishna who thrusts his arm into Keshi's mouth, and chokes him to death.
The work depicts this epic battle with the evil Kansa in the top left window and the contrasting tranquil form of a cow in the bottom right. It is also believed that while "Keshav" is widely used to refer to lord Vishnu, It applies to Krishna ( an avatar of Vishnu) as he had slain Keshi. Interestingly, Keshighat is a major bathing ghat on the river Yamuna in Vrindavan, where Krishna is believed to have overpowered Keshi. It is also believed that Keshi represents doubts that run like wild horses in the mind and hence need to be conquered.
Acrylic on Canvas | 48" X 36
Status: Acquired via Gallerie Artistique
Series: Miscellaneous works