Saturday 23 September 2023


A Time To Reflect II
Though tea in itself  as a beverage has proven health benefits, to the artist it is the ritual of  "sitting down to tea" which has great significance. The very act of drinking  tea on one's own has  meditative implications. With friends, it is the very joy of life and at the center of socializing. On a rainy, cold day the act evokes nostalgia of a childhood  in the hills, and in a negotiation, it is the bridge to a mutually  beneficial  arrangement. 

Numerous scholars state that it holds significance when examining the notion of purity. Murata Shuko, a priest in the 14th century propounded that four values were central to the concept of the tea ritual: reverence, respect, purity, and tranquility.

Acrylic on canvas 36 X 36
Status: Available

Thursday 21 September 2023

Dev Bhoomi III 

Dev Bhoomi is the fascinating land where the the Gods and Godesses reside. A land where the Sun God rides his chariot, where the Trinity reside, and where the Bow of Indra provides an ethereal backdrop. It is a land where the rivers flow with milk like the white waters of the Ganga, beside which the Goddesses feed on Ambrosia and nectar is their wine. The air is scented with the fragrance of Jasmine and the paths strewn with love. This is where the sacred mountain, Sumeru exists in all its glory. This is that land where mortals would aspire to enter like Yudhishthir and his faithful dog had, only to be pulled down by the burden of their sins just as Draupadi and the four Pandavas were. This 'kalpana' of Dev Bhumi is what the Artist attempts to translate onto his canvas. 

Acrylic on canvas (36 X 40)
Status: Available

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Kochi II

The historical, quaint, town of Kochi is an immersion of the senses. Its legacy of a trading centre of spice, its exotic mix of Jewish, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Portuguese & other European cultures, its heritage buildings, backwaters and open seas and the flavours of its cuisine simply excites the senses as no other. A short sojourn here has inspired the artist to create this series that attempts to capture the very essence of this fascinating township. The works express the sheer joie de vivre of Kochi.

Acrylic on canvas 36" X 48"
Status: Available 

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Kochi III
The historical, quaint, town of Kochi is an immersion of the senses. Its legacy of a trading centre of spice, its exotic mix of Jewish, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Portuguese & other European cultures, its heritage buildings, backwaters and open seas and the flavours of its cuisine simply excites the senses as no other. A short sojourn here has inspired the artist to create this series that attempts to capture the very essence of this fascinating township. The works express the sheer joie de vivre of Kochi.

Acrylic on canvas 36" X 48"
Status: Available 

Dhyana XII
In the work, the artist depicts the swirling random movement of the mind and uncontrolled circumstances that surround us, every moment, often dictating our actions. Thus we react to all that we are surrounded by and enveloped in. The monk is also therefore in a similar situation but appears to emerge out of it, retaining his serenity which is reflected by his posture. This retention of calmness in a tumultuous environment is achieved through Dhyana, the practice of mind control by which we stop all thinking and seek to realize Truth in its essence. Of the many different paths to Nirvana, the most important one  is the path of Dhyana, the practice of “stopping and realizing.”

Acrylic on canvas 48" X 48"
Status: Available via Gallerie Nvyā